How It Works

How We Help

How Debt Settlement Works

Debt settlement can improve your quality of life if you and your creditors are at a standoff. On one side, you acknowledge that you have debt, and you are fully committed to paying it. However, because of a financial hardship, high interest rates, multiple creditors seeking payment at the same time or other factors, you’re not able to pay what the creditor requires. On the other side, the creditor is owed money and has been unable to collect it. Both sides are frustrated, and no progress is being made. That’s where debt settlement comes in. An expert negotiator steps in to work out a deal that the creditor will accept, and you can reasonably afford. Many factors determine what creditors will accept, but the average settlement is approximately 50% of the original balance.

You’ll pay the agreed amount using money that you set aside each month. Best of all, within some basic guidelines you’ll decide how much to commit to paying off your debts and when to draft the funds. At the end of your debt settlement program, your debts will show a zero balance. The stress will be behind you, and you’ll be on your way to rebuilding your credit. It all happens in five easy steps:

Submit Your Information

Let’s get started! Simply send us an estimate of how much debt you’re seeking to resolve. With that, we can determine your debt relief options

Let’s Talk

We understand that you have questions about exactly how we can help. Expect a call from us to explore your options.

Apply for a Debt Plan

We’ll partner with you to create a plan that supports your financial goals and fits your budget.

We'll Negotiate Your Debt

Once approved, you'll be assigned a negotiator who will diligently work to resolve all your enrolled debts for less than what you owe today.

Live Debt Free

You're now free from debt and all the sleepless nights it caused you. You can finally live the life you want to live.

What would you do with thousands of extra dollars? Whatever your dream, Nations Debt Solutions program can help you achieve it. Although we can’t guarantee specific savings on every account you enroll, we can say that clients typically settle their debts for an average of about half of their original balances. Many settlements save clients much more. 

2023 By Nations Debt Solutions Debt Consultants 

Nations Debt Solutions 

9 Leeds Ln 

Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

  Tel: 1-949-397-6266

Please be aware that every call you make to the business could be recorded or monitored for training and quality control reasons. Over the course of 24 to 48 months, clients who are able to stick with the program and pay off all of their debt save about 46% before fees or 25% when our fees are included. Each and every claim is based on enrolled debts. Not every debt qualifies for enrollment. For a variety of reasons, including their capacity to save enough money, not all of our clients finish our program. estimates based on past performance, which will change depending on the details. We cannot promise a precise percentage or quantity of debt reduction or a specific time frame in which you will be debt-free.

We don't take on consumer debt, pay creditors on a regular basis, offer tax, bankruptcy, accounting, or legal advice, or handle credit restoration. Not accessible in every state. To discuss the tax implications of settlement, please get in touch with a tax expert. For additional information on bankruptcy, please speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. Based on your state, we might be able to suggest a nearby tax expert and/or bankruptcy lawyer. Before enrolling, read and comprehend all program documents, including those that may have a negative influence on credit.